MileBot team


Shenzhen Milebot Robotics Co., Ltd. is a robot start-up company in the field of medical and health. It focuses on the research and development of cutting-edge technologies and medical products. It builds an intelligent rehabilitation system through robots, the Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence. Adhering to the concept of “Technology to Help Walk”, we regard our rehabilitation medical cause as our own responsibility. Through exoskeleton robots, we can help the disabled and the elderly to carry out rehabilitation training, so that science and technology can help patients regain their dignity.

The company was founded by the technical team of overseas returnees with PhD degree. Our core members graduated from National University of Singapore, Waseda University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, The University of Manchester and other well-known universities at home and abroad. The technical team has extensive experience in the fields of robotics, medical rehabilitation, big data and control algorithms, etc.

Gong Chen

Graduated from the College of Mechanical and Dynamic Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, with a minor in computer science. After graduating from undergraduate, he went to the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the National University of Singapore for a PhD and won a full scholarship provided by the Singapore government. His research interests include rehabilitation robot systems, new robot drivers, and human-computer interaction control. More than ten academic papers have been published in top international journals and more than ten papers in international academic conferences. Acquired Shenzhen Peacock Talent in May 2017.

Gong Chen
Jing Ye

Ph.D. in Biotechnology (Robot) from Waseda University, Japan, and Postdoctoral Fellow, National University of Singapore. He is a student of Japan's ``father of robots`` Kato Ichiro's disciple, Masakatsu Fujie, a well-known professor of medical rehabilitation robots, and the famous professor in the field of medical rehabilitation robots. Mainly research and develop new rehabilitation and mobile robot systems and minimally invasive surgical robots for patients with stroke and limb movement disorders, and published more than 20 international academic papers.

Jing Ye